
Tinc switched on Debian 9 "stretch" (and old configs of debian 7)


Install Tinc: #

apt-get install tinc

Configuration: #

the tinc configuration is based on some files:

to configure a tinc vpn in which all the hosts are “on the same switch” edit these files on the hosts

then edit:

Name = host01                                      #name of the host, this must be the same as in the folder hosts
AddressFamily = ipv4                          #I live in the past, ipv4 is ok for me
Mode = switch                                      #the mode of the vpn, I choose switch
Device = /dev/net/tun                           #the device, I found that that parameter is ok like that (otherwise it won’t work)
ConnectTo = host01                             #the hosts to connect to on start (or every 15min as I read from the docs)
ConnectTo = host03                             #as above


ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask                     #change as the ip of the interface of the host (gor host01 I set, for host02


ifconfig $INTERFACE down

and give these last files execution permissions:

chmod +x tinc-*

then you can execute the creation of the keys with the command:

tincd -n vpn0 -K4096

which will create the private (/etc/tinc/vpn0/rsa_key.priv) and public key (/etc/tinc/vpn0/ for the local host,
this step must be executed on all hosts.
then you have to add your hosts file for your own machine using the content of the public key:

in /etc/tinc/vpn0/hosts/yourmachinename

Address= 655                          #the public ip address or FQDN (this changes for every host, obviously)
Port=655                                          #the port to connect
Compression=0                                     #the compression (I have not used it)
Subnet=                             #your host's ip on tinc network


then you have to copy this host file in the folder /etc/tinc/vpn0/hosts/ of the other hosts,
and viceversa, you have to copy the other hosts you want to connect to to your machines' folder.

Logging: #

edit the systemd unit file:

nano /lib/systemd/system/tinc@.service

and add "--logfile" ad the end of the Exec commands:

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/tincd -n %i -D --logfile
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/tincd -n %i -kHUP --logfile

Autostart: #

you can start your service using:

systemctl enable tinc@vpn

to start or restart:

systemctl start/restart tinc@vpn


if you start tinc with --logfile as above it will automatically create a file /var/log/tinc.vpn0.log
you can use the killsignals to output some useful stats on your logifle.
to do everything in one line I use:

vpn0_pid=$(cat /var/run/ && kill -s USR1 $vpn0_pid && cat /var/log/tinc.vpn0.log


you have to allow the port 655 in tcp and udp, if yout default is to dropeverything in INPUT, you have to allow the network in input:

-A INPUT -d PUBLIC_IP -i INTERFACE -p udp -m udp –dport 655 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -d PUBLIC_IP -i INTERFACE -p tcp -m tcp –dport 655 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i vpn0 -j ACCEPT

!!! this part is only valid for debian 7: #

then you can start the vpn with

tincd -n vpn0 –logfile

and kill it with:

tincd -n vpn0 -k

to start automatically on boot the vpn add the vpn name in the file


if you append –logfile -d at your entry in nets.boot which might become something like:

vpn –logfile -d

you’ll find a neat /var/log/tinc.vpn.log logfile (won’t work in Debian9, see below)

main sources:
other sourced: