
HP Smartarray P212 and Debian 6

How to manage your fantastic RAID controller under Debian?

I was interested mainly in having the volumes and disks status to avoid data loss, you can use 2 tools:


to install it under Debian simply do:

apt-get install cciss-vol-status

the tool monitors the status of the controller, like:

user@debian:~$ sudo cciss_vol_status /dev/cciss/c*d0
/dev/cciss/c0d0: (Smart Array P212) RAID 5 Volume 0 status: OK.

which is quite useful to see the status, possible statuses are:

  "OK." (0) - The logical drive is in good working order.

  "FAILED." (1) - The logical drive has failed,  and  no  i/o  to	it  is
    Additionally, failed drives will be identified by connector, box
    and bay, as well as vendor, model, serial number,  and  firmware

  "Using interim recovery mode." (3) - One or more drives has failed,
    but  not	so  many that the logical drive can no longer operate.
    The failed drives should be replaced as soon as possible.

  "Ready for recovery operation." (4) -  Failed drive(s) have been
    replaced, and the controller is about to begin rebuilding redun
    dant parity data.

  "Currently recovering." (5) - Failed drive(s) have been replaced,
    and  the	controller  is	currently  rebuilding redundant parity

you can find the al the statutes and everything on the command here:
where I found all these useful informations? on this site:
HP AcuCli
the other method is using HP’ ACU CLI for Debian (Array Controller Utility Command Line Interface),
you can find the last version fo ACUCLI for Debian on this HP’s FTP mirror:
the last 64bit one is: hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb, so you can download it to your server using wget:
you can install the package following these steps (info found on this SITE), install dependencies:
#apt-get install lib32gcc1 lib32stdc++6
install your acucli .deb package
#dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb
well done, now you can use the acucli to retrieve the system status or even configure and manage the controller,
to display the volumes and it’s status on the controller:
user@debian:~$ sudo hpacucli ctrl slot=1 logicaldrive all show status
logicaldrive 1 (5.5 TB, RAID 5): OK

to display the status of the disks:

user@debian:~$ sudo hpacucli ctrl slot=1 pd all show status

physicaldrive 1I:0:1 (port 1I:box 0:bay 1, 2 TB): OK
physicaldrive 1I:0:2 (port 1I:box 0:bay 2, 2 TB): OK
physicaldrive 1I:0:3 (port 1I:box 0:bay 3, 2 TB): OK
physicaldrive 1I:0:4 (port 1I:box 0:bay 4, 2 TB): OK

Where I found all these useful informations?